Why Does My Back Pain Keep Coming Back?

Back Pain

Have you wondered why your Back Pain keeps coming back?

Are you afraid of getting back to your workout routine or start any new exercise program because Back Pain seems to come back to haunt you?

In order to find a long term solution for Back Pain, you have to understand these 2 major groups of muscles around your lower back. They are the local muscles and global muscles.

The local muscles consist of the transverse abdominis, diaphragm, pelvic floor muscles and multifidus. These muscles are closest to the spine. They are designed to support the structure of the spine. They are also known as the Deep Stabilizers or the Core. The Deep Stabilizers behave quite differently from the global muscles.

The global muscles are more superficial including the rectus abdominis (6 packs), obliques, quadratus lumborum, erector spinae and gluteal muscles. These outer layers of muscles help you bend your trunk forward and backward, rotate and bend from side to side.

After your initial episode of back pain, the local muscles tend to get inhibited or shut down. The global muscles will then dominate. Even after conventional rehabilitation and generalized exercises (i.e. walking, running, biking, swimming or gym workout) the local muscles do not return to their normal functions automatically. The Deep Stabilizers need to be activated and trained specifically. During the early stage of your rehabilitation, it’s important to turn on the “switch” for these local muscles. Activating them precisely and softly without getting the global muscles involved is the key. It’s really a matter of precision control rather than strength.

Once you have developed a good control of these deep stabilizer muscles, you will be guided with training to integrate the deep stabilizers with the global muscles as a whole to improve your overall functional strength in terms of activities like squatting and lifting to prevent future problems. You can then safely return to all the activities you love to do before.

Recent research studies show that people who don’t get the deep stabilizer activation and training are 12.4 times more likely to have recurrent back pain within 3 years.

People without a previous history of lower back pain who present with acute lower back pain needed only 4 weeks of specific training for a 70% chance of no recurrence.

Another study was performed on people with chronic lower back pain (at least 3 months and longer). They received 10 weeks of training with statistically significant positive results. Specific back exercise training resulted in a reduction of pain and disability.

The specific back exercise training approach will give you the best possible chance of fixing your back pain and prevent it from coming back for a very long time.

P.S. For more tips like this, claim your copy of our 100% free report on back pain.

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Philip Chan
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